The manufacturer Uranium of Switzerland tried to cash in on the popularity of Sasha dolls with these mini versions of Sasha called Moni. They are 8 inch vinyl dolls of much poorer quality than the Sasha originals, and with generic body sculpts rather than the elegant asymmetric bodies of the larger dolls. The faces were clearly intended to mimic Sasha dolls, although these ‘mini Sashas’ have factory screened paint whereas the dolls they copy were hand-painted. The dolls were made in Hong Kong, despite the suggestion that they were Swiss-made in the manufacturer’s title. The dolls were made in boy and girl forms, just denoted by hair length, in platinum, blonde, and brunette, and they had a complete range of outfits available as boxed sets.
Moni dolls were not in production for long as action was taken against Uranium for infringement of copyright. This has made these little dolls and their outfits relatively rare. But they remain a curiosity and are great to use as dolls for the 16 inch Sashas to play with.
- Tracksuit and tennis boxed outfit
- Two boxed Moni dolls
- Back of the Moni doll box showing the full line of dressed dolls available
- Red polka dot dress boxed outfit
- Velvet party dress boxed outfit
- Nurse uniform boxed outfit
- Mini ‘Sasha’ dressed Moni doll
- Wedding dress boxed outfit
- Mini Gregor ‘Sasha’ dressed Moni doll