A cache of vintage postcards, issued by Furga in the 1960s, serves as a reminder of the manufacturer’s stylishly modern dolls.
Alta Moda Sheila, Sylvie, and Simona dolls about town
We just found these scans in our archives and wanted to share them with Furga doll fans. It was a bitter-sweet moment as the original postcards, likely from the mid-1960s, were in the collection of Franklin Lim-Laio. It was his wish to one day have the images published as part of a book. The scans were done as a precursor to book design, but unfortunately this project wasn’t to be.
Regrettably only the fronts of the cards were scanned, so none of the original information from the backs is available. Franklin was such a fount of doll knowledge, and we’d assumed that he would always be around to identify all of the dolls shown. Sadly this wasn’t the case.
These words and pictures are in tribute to, and fond memory of, Franklin Lim-Laio. You can see more Furga dolls from his collection of Alta Moda dolls here, and a profile of Alta Moda Simona here.
Two 15-inch tall Tonia Furga dolls in their 1960s office. Good luck with opening those desk drawers. Looks like calls are coming in and sales are going up. Is that a pencil or a cigar?Tonia (right) with a furga toddler doll enjoying the views from their Riviera garden balconyA stylishly-dressed Tonia shows off her 1960s fashions as she sets off for her passeggiataLooks like Tonia had to head back home to pick up an umbrella in case of a showerSheila, a 17-inch tall Furga Alta Moda doll, wears her signature blue mini-dress as a contrast to her luxuriant auburn hair. That staircase and balcony are getting a lot of mileage in this shoot.Another of the Alta Moda girls. Sylvie heads out for a spot of shopping in a suitably appropriate silk scarf. She’s a well-traveled doll judging by the stickers on her purse.Gardening time. A honey-blonde Simona Alta Moda doll, is assisted by a Furga toddler under-gardener.Dig this. Platinum blonde Tonia sets to with her shovel.Platinum blonde Tonia cares for the plants using a watering can with painted-on holesBrunette Tonia rocks a red jumpsuit and a garden hoseHoney blonde curly Tonia entertains baby with a stuffed birdThis is not what Simona signed up for – better check that modeling contractYes, it’s that same dummy watering can again. Luckily plastic flowers don’t need much irrigation.Oh no! Sylvie’s attack poodle has spotted one of the Furga tiny tots–Tina, or is it Tilly? Poodle by Steiff.Is it a boutique or a pawnbroker? Wasn’t Tonia carrying that green purse earlier? And the umbrella? Hope she can get them back. A Minifurga doll is in the Giocattoli window.Snakeskin is ideal for showers. Saucy Tonia is going to get wet legs if she doesn’t fasten that coat.Good gracious! How many vices can one doll have? Sheila loves to hang around bars puffing on a cigarette. We’re assuming it’s tobacco she’s smoking.These Alta Moda dolls are happy on either side of the bar. Pour me another, Simona.Sylvie is looking pouty. She just can’t do anything with her hair today.It’s never wise to hang about in the middle of the road, Sylvie.Tonia’s back at the shop – just checking that purse is still there. But it looks like she’s lost out on the umbrella.The umbrella has reappeared! What wacky stock-control. Simona tries out some hot pants, and isn’t she wearing Sylvie’s boots from the road-crossing photo? She’s probably going to pawn those too.
If you have additional information about the dolls in these images, or indeed any corrections of factual errors, all will be gratefully received.
If you enjoyed the postcards, check out this video featuring Simona and the other Alta Moda girls: