The first Action Man dolls launched in the UK: Soldier, Sailor, and Pilot
Action Man was introduced in the UK by Palitoy in 1966. The concept was the first of its kind – a fully poseable artist’s dummy-style action figure. Initially, the figures available in the UK were a soldier, sailor, and pilot, complete with basic uniforms and dog-tags. The doll’s launch was inspired by his American ‘brother’, GI Joe of two years earlier, produced in the US by parent American company the Hasbro Toy Co. Manufacturers saw a gap in the market and were keen to produce a ‘doll’ that would appeal to boys, and came up with the action figure concept.
Both Action Man and GI Joe were virtually indistinguishable during the first period of hard, painted head figures (black, brown, blond, auburn), and only minor differences in detailing occurred. At the end of this first period, softer squeezable heads were produced that looked almost identical for a while.
You can find out more about the vintage dolls at Action Man HQ

Action Man – suggestively posed in a way his manufacturer probably never intended!
Here’s a link to The Emasculation of Action Man – by knitting!